


Discover why Metro Mortgage is the resource

to help you get the best mortgage possible!


Because we strive to compete where it matters most.  There are four things you need to look for to get the best possible mortgage.  We strive to out do the competition on all of them!

Graphic Image portraying intrest rate decrease.Beat-the-Market Rates


We know that the most important thing to you when you are in the process of getting a mortgage is getting the lowest rate possible!  So, we've structured our entire operation around getting you the best rate the market has to offer on any given day.

We have a very lean operation, designed for efficiency and security.  We only work with investors who share our passion of giving the customer great service and the best deal possible.  We work towards great relationships with realtors and builders, but we never pay to be on a "preferred" lender list.  All these things are unnecessary costs that get passed on to you in the form of a higher rate!


But there are more dynamics to getting the best rate.  Mortgage pricing can be volatile, which can be good or bad.  We watch the bond markets in real time.  If we have a customer floating when rates are about to worsen, we give them heads up.  We also give you free access to this information free!  Locking at the best time makes a can make a huge difference in your rate!  To sign up for our free rate alert service, click here>.


It's only smart to rate shop!  Call us, and we'll even tell you the best way to do it.  We can do that, because we know you'll be calling back!

Image of wrench grasping coins, connoting frugality. Low Closing Costs


There's a mortgage industry term for our closing costs.  It's called "pass through".  In other words, we don't make a penny off of closing costs.  We only collect collect from you the amount we were charged for various services charged in conjunction with processing you home loan.  And we don't have the ambiguous "processing fee" and "document prep fee" many mortgage companies charge.  Our closing costs are almost always lower.


Yes, there are many mortgage companies that have a "no closing cost" feature.  Any mortgage company can do that-  the closing costs are buried in your interest rate.  It's not necessarily a bad idea to do this, as long as you know the score.  There is no free lunch.  It costs money to close a mortgage, and no matter what, you will always be the one to pay those costs.


And if it is in your better interest to pay your closing costs with your rate, isn't it best to pick a mortgage company that has lower rates and closing costs?


Clock and Arrow graphic, connoting fast turn times.Fast Turn Times


You might not even realize this while you're shopping for a mortgage, but some companies have really long turn times.  We pride ourselves on getting you to the closing table as quickly, and has hassle free, as possible.  We work with a sense of urgency from the time you call us the fist time until the time you close.


In the past few years, the mortgage industry has been buried with time consuming regulations.  This has increased turn times dramatically for everyone.  At Metro Mortgage, we have been around the block.  (Its a nice way of saying we're old!)  We know our stuff, and that experience gets you approved faster!

Glass of Clear Water, connoting clarity.Clarity


Getting a mortgage is the biggest expenditure most people ever make. In many cases, it cost more than the house!


Its important that you make an informed, educated decision.  But mortgage disclosures really don't give you options.  And rather than provide clarity, they make most people's eyes glaze over.


How do you know which option is best for you?  The best mortgage is proven mathematically.  We have a unique process that proves the best mortgage option.  Once we know your mortgage, we use the same data set to keep you informed of the process.  When you are clear to close, you know what to expect.  And you know you got the best deal possible.





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  2001 Assembly Street, Suite 202, Columbia SC  29201

  NMLS #296204

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