


Discover the great options Metro Mortgage has to help you get the best mortgage possible!

What you do right now affects the rest of your life!

Scary but True!


Let's face it.  You aren't shopping for a burger and fries here!  In most cases, a mortgage is the biggest thing you ever shop for.  When interest rates get high, the mortgage can cost more than the house it finances!  Scary, but true!


And mortgages are complex.  The process of getting one is overwhelming.  Every mortgage product has a unique set of advantages and disadvantages for each home buyer.  Sorting out which one is best for you is our job.  Showing you the best mortgage for your needs is also our job.  And when we are done, you will know you did well.  You will know what is happening every during every step of the process; and what the costs are.


The mortgage business is tough.   Its tough on the people who work in the business as well.  But there is nothing more rewarding than no only getting first time home buyers in their first home, but getting them there with the best mortgage possible!  Over the course of your life, you are probably going to need a mortgage many times.   It is our goal to be the best solution for you every time you need a new mortgage!

The Best mortgages for first time home buyers.


FHA- FHA has put more Americans in their first home than any other mortgage product.  You only need 3.5% down, which can be a gift from a parent.  Go to the Metro Mortgage FHA Page >.


VA- If you have served your country, and you're VA eligible, congratulatons!  This is most likely the option for you.  Check out the Metro Mortgage VA page >.


Rural Housing- If you don't have money for a down payment, and you're willing to live in the suburbs, or the country, Rural Housing is a good option!  Check out out Rural Housing page here >.


Thank you so much for all your help throughout my home buying journey.  Since this was my first home purchase, I needed all the help I could get! As a testament to the work you do, everyone I talked to recommended I get in touch with you.  There was no doubt I made the right decision. Thanks again for making everything so easy.

                                                                                                                                                                                        T. Brogdon


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  2001 Assembly Street, Suite 202, Columbia SC  29201

  NMLS #296204

NMLS Consumer Access